Biblical Realities Experienced In India

Jan 27, 2024    Kraig Dorney

Topics covered include:

- He is the God of the Nations

- India’s Team and their Pursuit of the Kingdom

- What Stands in the Way?

- What Stands in the Way for the Yamarthi Family?

- The Power of Multiplying

- Biblical Realities we can Take Away from India

Bible verses include:

- Exodus 9:16

- Joshua 4:24

- Psalm 33:12

- Matthew 28:19-20

- Zecharia 8:22-23

- Matthew 10:37-39

- 1 Corinthians 8:4

- 1 Corinthians 10:19-20

- Luke 10:1-3

- Luke 22:35-37

- 1 Timothy 3:10

- 1 Timothy 2:15

- 1 John 5:21